The Buffalo Run & Gun
Date: 8/22/2020 (ROs run 8/21)
Location: The Buck n Buffalo Ranch, 1717 Co Rd 104, Lampasas, TX 76550
Start Time: 9 PM (night run)
Ticket Sales Closed: Event is Sold Out
The Buck n Buffalo is a premier ranch located in the heart of the Texas hill country. Known for its outstanding whitetail and exotic hunting, the property is home to some amazing wildlife. With 1,500 acres of rolling hills, pastures, and ponds, competitors will enjoy some unique scenery along the courses.
Check out the Buck n Buffalo Ranch website here.
The Event:
As part of the Texas Run n Gun Series, the Buffalo Run n Gun will be held in a standard competition format. Beginning at 9 pm, this will be a night-time match that offers a unique opportunity for participants. Competitors will complete the course and stages in the dark!
The main course measures approximately 5 miles long with 7 stages. Exact distance and round count will be released as the course is finalized, about a week prior to the event.
Night Match Specifics:
Hosting this competition at night provides a truly distinctive experience for competitors. Do not rush out to buy a cartload of nighttime gear, weapons' lights, or optics for the event (unless you just want to); the course will be set up so that anyone with a headlamp will be able to compete. Below details a few of the features unique to a night course:
The course itself is marked with green glow sticks every 10-20 yards and stage entrances are identifiable with red glow sticks.
All rifle targets are illuminated for you.
Pistol targets are illuminated or visible with a weapon light or headlamp.
Challenge Stages:
We are pleased to introduce new competitions during the event! Challenge Stages are open to all competitors and spectators for participation throughout the duration of the event! Competitors can purchase tickets for as many rounds as they can handle. There is no limit on the number of times you can shoot each Challenge Stage; compete several times and use your best score to try and win a prize. Use these events to warm up before you enter the course or compete against friends to prove once and for all who is the best marksman of the group. There will be a separate prize and trophy for each Challenge Stage during the awards ceremony.
Are you active duty Military, Law Enforcement, or First Responder? Click Here.
Challenges being offered:
Pistol Challenge: A pure steel challenge is what you will be facing at this stage.
Rifle Challenge: From a fixed position, see how quickly you can engage and neutralize targets at varying distances.
Sprint Stage: Want to warm up before your run? Still have an itch to shoot after completing the course? Attack this sprint stage which incorporates 3 unique pistol and rifle shooting stages along a quarter mile loop. One runner is allowed on the sprint stage at a time and scores are based on the competitor’s overall time from start to finish; the clock never stops!